Every movement of God in our lives starts with an invitation.
This Lent we invite you to journey with us through the Old and New Testaments.
As we give ourselves fully to the spiritual practices in this Lent Guide, we will make space for God to move. We will encounter Him in familiar and surprising ways. Let’s not hold anything back!

Morning Chapel, Weekday Reflection
FEB 14 – MAR 28

Monday-Friday, 6:30-7:30AM – In Person or Facebook Live

We’ve set aside this time throughout Lent for you to join Pastor Doug & Meg in person or online in the chapel, where you’ll see lighted candles, hear soft music playing, and read/journal in your Lent Guides. We’ll finish together with a short word and Communion at 7:20AM.

Good Friday
MAR 29

6:30—7:30AM: Morning Chapel open for personal reflection, in person or Facebook Live

12—3PM: Chapel open for Stations of the Resurrection, a quiet, self-guided time to reflect and meditate upon commanding images created by artist Scott Erickson, inviting us to consider that the resurrection changes the way we see everything.

7PM: Good Friday Service – Join us at this special service, where we will remember and reflect on what Jesus did for us on the cross through worship, communion, and an impactful message.

Stations of the Resurrection
Contemplative Art Show

Monday-Friday, 6:30-7:30AM – In the Grace Chapel
Sundays, 8AM-1PM | 5:30-7PM
Tuesdays, 5-8PM
Good Friday, 12-3PM

New this Lent at Grace is an interactive art show in the Grace Chapel. This display of 14 commanding images, created by artist Scott Erickson, invites us to consider that the resurrection changes the way we see everything. Each of the stations draws from the resurrection story and calls us into a change of perspective: one that affected Christ followers back then and one that invites us right now.