The essence of marriage is that it is a covenant—a promise of lifetime love and faithfulness to your spouse. God designed this wondrous union between a man and woman to be a reflection and expression of His covenant of love with us.
Whether you are engaged, newly married or celebrating decades together; whether your marriage is healthy or has gotten off course; at Grace, we have offerings in place to help you grow in a relationship that honors God and one another.
Meg Kempton or Sandy Seaton
Marriage Mentoring
Every couple needs people who will walk alongside them with empathy and encouragement, and a perspective that helps to normalize the bumps on the road of marriage.
Mentoring is for all married couples! Are you newly married? Is your nest empty? Are you grieving a painful loss? Changing jobs? Infertility concerns? Parenting challenges? Weighed down by a crisis? Looking to enrich your healthy marriage? Mentoring is for you.
Marriage mentoring is about having an honest, more experienced couple relationally invest in another couple to effectively navigate the journey of marriage. We have seasoned mentor couples available to meet with you who have personally walked the unpredictable terrain of marriage and have learned to thrive in married life.
At Grace, we believe that meeting with a mentor couple regularly is essential to building and maintaining a strong marriage that lasts a lifetime.
Premarital Process
Congratulations on your engagement!
We believe that God’s heart is to be the center of your marriage. If each of you make your relationship with God your first priority, you will build a marriage that you will enjoy and that will weather the storms that roll in.
Essentially, the focus of our Premarital Process is to help your marriage get a strong start. We will walk alongside you to help you develop a marriage that honors God – a marriage of covenant love where you encourage one another to live into who God created you to be.
Marrieds Resources
We have put together a selection of some of our recommended self-guided content and resources for you to enjoy and work through at your own pace.