Whether you are married or single, in college or working, have been a Christian for years or are just starting to investigate Jesus…Young Adult Group is the place to be! Our format is designed to engage you in a variety of ways. As we learn about Jesus and ourselves, we want to solidify our faith and build friendships that go beyond Sunday mornings and Monday evenings.
Interested in getting involved with Young Adult Group, or have any questions? Contact:
Jeremey Lambert, 989.501.2639
Michelle Lambert, 989.501.2602

First Mondays
This summer, our Young Adults are spending the first Monday of each month giving back to our community. Join us for two separate serve nights this summer as we bless our community alongside one another. Visit for more details.

Weekly Study
Mondays, 7-9PM | Café Grace
Whether you are married or single, in college or working, have been a Christian for years or are just starting to investigate Jesus…Young Adult Group is the place to be! As we learn about Jesus and ourselves, we want to solidify our faith and build friendships that go beyond Sunday mornings and Monday evenings.
We have a variety of different meetings throughout the month including worship nights, teach nights, and Bible studies.
Have questions?
Jeremey at 989.501.2639
Michelle at 989.501.2602