In GraceKids Elementary, children in grades K-3 meet friends, talk about God, and celebrate through worship songs in a large group setting. They also meet in small groups to relate the Bible story to their lives, interact with their peers, pray, learn Bible verses and engage in a variety of fun activities to reinforce the large group teaching.

We ask that all children check in at the Family Welcome Center near the main entrance. Kids can be checked in and dropped off at their classrooms 10 minutes before the service begins, and should be picked up directly after the service ends.
In order for our ministry leaders and volunteers to properly focus their time of ministry with children and students, we will close check-in 30 minutes AFTER each service begins; children will not be permitted into the classrooms after 9:30AM for 9AM service and 11:30AM for 11AM service. Should you arrive after this time, you will need to keep your children with you. Café Grace is available if they are too young to sit quietly in the worship center.
Thank you for your cooperation as we strive to provide a positive experience for our children by eliminating this disruption. You can help us with the check-in process by allowing plenty of time to check-in each Sunday.
In order to provide the ultimate safety for your child while in our care, we follow a strict security policy for all Children’s Ministry areas. To ensure the proper adult is picking up your child, you will receive numbered stickers when checking in at the Children’s Welcome Center. You must have your numbered sticker in order to pick up your child.
In the event that your child needs you during the service, a Children’s Staff Member will contact you via text message.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please email La Kesia Patton, Director of Children’s Ministries, or call 313.449.8074.
“Each of you has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in service of others. So use your gift well.” 1 Peter 4:10
The purpose of Kids on a Mission is to encourage students to use the gifts they have been given to serve their friends, neighbors, school, church, city, and the world. Our students have received “Kids on a Mission” buttons to remind them that they are always on mission for God.
When a student in GraceKids performs one of their monthly tasks, seen below, they will receive a certain number of coins. On the last Sunday of every month, they can take those coins to the Garage Sale and pick out a prize of their choice with the number of coins that they have. Similar to collecting tickets at Chuck-E-Cheese’s or Dave and Busters. Students can decide to spend their coins as soon as they get them, OR they can save up for a few weeks or months to get one of the larger prizes. A great way to teach them patience and responsibility! Parent tip: Find a jar or bag for your child to use to collect their coins and keep them in a safe place!
- Get 1 coin for: Bringing your Bible, Reciting the monthly memory verse, Bringing a friend to church (one coin for each of you), and for selective large group participation
- Get 5 coins for: Completing your weekly God-Time Devotional
- On your birthday: Get one free prize from the “Birthday Box”

Upcoming Dedication Dates:
SUN, OCT 27 (Required Parent Class Moved to: SUN, OCT 13)
SUN, FEB 23 (Parent Class: SUN, FEB 2)
SUN, MAY 18 (Parent Class: SUN, MAY 4)
Parent/Child Dedication provides an opportunity for a family to publicly express their desire to lead and spiritually nurture their child. Dedication is a declaration, before God and the church, of their intention to raise their child in the knowledge of Jesus Christ in order to develop in them a love for God and others.
Dedication of a child is not baptism. At Grace Community Church, we believe that baptism is the next step after a person is mature enough to have made a conscious decision to repent and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
In order to take part in a dedication, parents must attend the mandatory meeting that takes place approximately one month before the dedication. Information on Child Dedication and the mandatory meeting can be obtained by contacting La Kesia Patton, Director of Children’s Ministries, at 313.449.8074 or .