Dear Potential c-Group Leader:
Thank you for exploring the possibility of leading a c-Group!
At Grace, each c-Group has its unique DNA designed to express the gifts, connectivity, and passions of its members. We have a group for those parenting non-biological children, a group for new attendees at Grace, self-care groups, groups that study the Bible and topical issues, and many other profiles. I invite you to prayerfully bring your creativity to the design of your c-Group’s DNA.
Our groups meet in living rooms; some are on our church campus while others are hosted in individual’s homes. If you plan to meet at Grace, please let me know so I can make room arrangements for you.
Following you will find information that communicates our expectations and recommendations for c-Groups. If you are interested in launching a group, contact me – I am here to assist you! Please let me know how I can be of help.
What is a c-group?
- C-groups are unique in various delightful ways, yet core to each group’s purpose is forming Christ-centered community that allows its members to journey together beyond the Sunday service experience.
- Optimal size is 8-14 members.
- Always open to new people with plans to multiply periodically.
- DNA designed to express the gifts and passions of the group.
Why are c-groups necessary?
- It is the primary space for living out the “One Another” statements of the New Testament.
- It is the place for care and spiritual growth in the church body.
What’s required of a leader?
- An honest and deepening relationship with Jesus
- Articulate clear direction and DNA of your group
- Ensure a plan is in place for each meeting
- Member or on track to be a member of Grace
- Complete the Journey process within three years of starting a c-group
- Actively recruit group members
- Communicate church news as needed
- Intentionality for diversity (not limited to but including race)
- Identifying and empowering a co-leader
- Preparing for and planning to multiply
- Reasonable availability to your group members
- Coordinate date, time and place of meetings
What’s recommended of a leader?
- Follow sermon notes or select a group study
- Have food and/or beverages at your meetings
- Organize service opportunities
- Meet twice monthly September – May
- Meet once monthly June – August
What kind of support will I get as a leader?
- Two or three leadership equipping events a year
- Access to Meg Kempton and Sandy Seaton – Groups leadership team.
- CCB & LEAD App – Church Community Database
- You Version Bible App
- Outreach Opportunities (contact Meg Kempton)